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Penn Law launches Fritz Kübler LLM Scholarship

November 14, 2014

In conjunction with Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Penn Law launched the Friedrich Kübler Scholarship for students who have received, or will be receiving, their first state’s examination grade following their studies in law at Goethe. Successful recipients of this scholarship will have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement and/or professional experience in law. 

In Frankfurt at a launch ceremony of the scholarship on October 17, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs, Matthew Parker shared brief remarks remembering Friedrich K. Kübler as an internationally recognized expert on corporations, banking, and mass media and a beloved faculty member for many years at both Goethe and Penn Law. Shuttling back and forth across the Atlantic, Fritz Kübler was a pioneer in cross border cooperation between law schools, linking Penn Law and Goethe by teaching in both schools for decades and serving as extremely valued member of both faculties. Today, Penn Law boasts a wide array of international opportunities for students and faculty, and it was Professor Kübler’s appointment to the Penn Law faculty in 1985 that helped lay the foundation for these initiatives. He remains honored and respected as a scholar, teacher, and colleague at Penn Law, and the Kübler scholarship designed to enable students who have received their first state’s examination grade following their studies at Goethe to attend Penn Law school as an LLM student is the perfect way to honor his memory.